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Do you want to be a part of helping a girl aged 11-18 discover who they are and what they were made for? Pink letters send *free* letters of encouragement to girls around the world to cheer them on in their school life and all that comes with being a teenager! 

Where it began

When I was at school I didn't have the best of times. Year 9 was when I began to struggle. The hot and coldness of friendships, the exclusion of conversations because I was a christian, the battle of knowing which parties to attend to depending on who was going and juggling being a cool school kid and perfect church kid all got too much. I was feeling guilty for living this double life and there was no one I could talk to about experiencing school as a Gen Z with social media and extra pressures added on. I felt that no youth leader or adult truly understood what my friends would post on snapchat about, or the things the boys at my school would say about my body or what kids my age were ACTUALLY doing.

Changing the narrative

SO this begins a new story for girls in school. Gone are the days that girls don't have a resource who can understand at least half of what school is truly like for them. All experiences are different but what we can all truly relate to is that encouragement goes a long way.

Pink Letters began

A monthly letter service of encouragement all packaged in pink written by myself. I felt so pulled to do something, be something for these girls still in school. To share my stories, what I would go back and do differently and tell the most embarrassing moments I hope they never have to experience. Here at Pink Letters, we don't shy away from the BIG topics - the ones you'd have a 1am chat with your big sister about. Our Goal is to make you feel a whole lotta love because you deserve nothing less.

How it’s going

The first day I launched pink letters my goal was to reach 50 girls from my local church. Well the word got out to the local schools and on and on and I got to 700 girls worldwide within the first few months. I took some time away to pray and dream about this community and then returned with a rebrand, a more safe system and a bigger vision than ever before. So now we get to you, the most important part. The reason I began this in the first place. For girls to know that they can get through school, college and onwards with a faith stronger than ever before and more in love with Jesus as they face all the twists and turns a teenager goes through. My prayer is that through these letters, you discover more about who God created you to be and do. That doesn't begin after school life by the way, that begins now.